Ghost Ring

2018 98min Horror Comedy 18+

Once upon a time, there is a couple of lovers. Their families disagree for them to get married and separate them to marry others. The couple did not follow the families and they rather die and they died with a ring wore before the death. Years later, there is someone removed the corps for the ring and sold the ring. People who are involved with this ring died. A family bought the ring for its daughter. They faced the same problems as previous people. But, this family eventually was aware of the cause therefore the problems solved and the daughter was saved from death.


Leak Lyda , Neay Pek Mi


Neay Pek Mi


នាយ គ្រឿន ( Neay Krouen), នាយ ពាក់មី ( Neay Pek Mi ). កញ្ញា ជី ជី ( Ms. Gi Gi ), កញ្ញា ពៅ លីដា (Pov Lida), អ្នកនាង ខ្ញុង ( Ms. Knhoung ), លោក សុខគា (Mr. Sok Kea ), លោក សានម៉ៅ (Mr. Lok San Mav ), អ្នកនាង គ្រត ( Ms. Krot )

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