Where is Ghost?

2018 96min Horror Comedy 18+

There are 4 medical students from Phnom Penh go to province because they have internship mission. Ffirst time they arrive there they was haunted by ghost but some of those ghost is fake ( Villager cheat ). Srey Ya is a rich girl who is her step mom try to kill her because of property, luckily, she still alive and asking help from medical student...what will happened after she comes back to her step mom? Does it has a ghost in this world?


ចាន់ណា រ៉ូណាន់


ចាន់ណា រ៉ូណាន់


ទ្រីដារ៉ា វុទ្ធ,ដូ រីកូ,សា តាន់,ម៉ានីកា,យ៉ី យ៉ី,ពី ម៉ៃ,ជា សំណាង,សឿន ស៊ីធឿន,សឿន ស៊ីធឿន,ស៊ុន ពិសិដ្ធ,ជីមមី

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